Hispanics are disproportionately concentrated in the lowest opportunity neighborhoods in U.S. metro areas. However, reflecting this ethnic group’s diversity, there is great variation by national origin in their distribution across different levels of neighborhood opportunity. Explore Hispanic diversity in terms of access to neighborhoods of opportunity for two dozen Hispanic-origin subgroups across the 100 largest metro areas with new indicators and visualizations.
Using the visualization below, select a metro area and one or more Hispanic-origin subgroups to see the distribution of those groups across levels of neighborhood opportunity, according to the diversitydatakids.org/Kirwan Institute Child Opportunity Index. The Child Opportunity Index is a measure of relative neighborhood opportunity for children across neighborhoods in a metro area and is based on 19 indicators important for children’s healthy development.
Note that the Census Bureau defines ethnic origin as "the heritage, nationality group, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person's parents or ancestors before their arrival in the United States or Island Area."