Mapping Child Opportunity Wins 2021 APDU Data Viz Award
Published: 08.01.2021
Updated: 09.22.2021's interactive Mapping Child Opportunity was one of four data projects honored with a 2021 Data Viz Award from the Association for Public Data Users. APDU gives annual awards to creative and meaningful graphic designs that use publicly available data (for example, data from the Census Bureau or Bureau of Labor Statistics) to convey a compelling point or story.
The mapping application allows users to visualize the data underlying the Child Opportunity Index for 72,000 census tract in the U.S. Users can explore the overall Index or dig into 29 indicators across three sub-indices: Education, Health and Environment and Social and Economic. Users can also see where children of different racial/ethnic groups live in relation to opportunity, compare opportunity levels nationally, within states or within metropolitan (metro) areas, and explore two time points (2010 and 2015) to understand change over time or set benchmarks to track progress.