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Announcing the Child Opportunity Index 3.0!
All children deserve quality schools, clean air, parks and playgrounds, access to health care, after school programs and economic security. These features have positive impacts on a child’s life, and they are measured and mapped in the new Child Opportunity Index (COI) 3.0. Download the data, explore our new indicators and see what we're learning about equity in neighborhood opportunity.
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First findings from the Child Opportunity Index 3.0 find wide inequities in neighborhood opportunity between metro areas, within metros areas and for children of different races/ethnicities.
Data visualization
The neighborhood where a child grows up influences not only their daily lives, but also their health and wellbeing as an adult. Life expectancy and adult socioeconomic mobility vary considerably between very low- and very-high opportunity neighborhoods.
COI 3.0 is the most recent version of the Child Opportunity Index, succeeding COI 2.0 (published in 2020). COI 3.0 has new and improved indicators, an improved methodology and annual data for all U.S. neighborhoods from 2012 to 2021.
Equity Tools

Policy Equity Assessments
Our framework embeds questions of racial and ethnic equity into policy analysis

Child Opportunity Index
Measure, map and compare how neighborhoods support child opportunity

Explore the geography of child opportunity and racial/ethnic equity in your neighborhood

We host 300+ datasets on child and family demographics, wellbeing, opportunity and equity

From Redlining to Child Opportunity
Examine how past policies influence modern-day child opportunity